In preparation to write this story, I finally listed to the second and third tapes of Mel Gibson going off like a crazed vindictive lunatic on the mother of his youngest child. It was so f’cking scary and uncomfortable to listen to and it made my heart leap to hear the awful things this man was spewing. I don’t blame Oksana for taping this evil raging abusive creep and I don’t blame her for releasing it. It was disgusting, mean and contained the worst most creatively cruel insults I’ve ever heard. I will never see another film this man is in, and I’ve never said that about any other celebrity, including Tom ‘cult spokesman’ Cruise. Yes, Oksana was aware she was being taped and Mel wasn’t. There is no excuse on this earth for the things that Mel said and did.
In the third tape, Oksana defended herself against claims that she’s a gold digger. Yes she was speaking for an audience but that doesn’t mean it’s not true. She said she’d dedicated her life to Mel in the last three years, that he controlled her money and career and that “I’m not a user. I’m not a gold digger. I don’t have any money and no property assigned to me. That’s a gold digger for you?”
Yesterday we heard Whoopi “it wasn’t rape rape” Goldberg say on The View that Mel Gibson couldn’t be a racist because he’d been over to her house and around her kids. Today she went after Oksana for releasing the tapes, saying she wondered why she’d done it. It doesn’t matter why Oksana did it, the tapes are out there and Mel Gibson is the scum of the earth. I personally think she was sick of being vilified by the press and was honestly fearful for her and her daughter’s safety, but if she did it just for money or revenge does it matter? Mel still said those terrible bottom-feeding things. He said things I could never imagine saying to my worst enemy. He never apologized but instead issued a statement to People about how he was doing as if he was the victim!
The conversation on The View today continued in that “poor Mel” vein, with Elisabeth and Sherri saying they loved Passion of The Christ and that they’d pray for him! Whoopi then kind of identified with Mel and said she felt sorry for him while Joy tried to give her a reality check.
Whoopi: Thank God none of us are going through it. You know what I mean? There but for the grace of God go we.
Joy [wide eyed]: I wouldn’t be in that position. I don’t really identify with this at all.
Whoopi: Maybe you wouldn’t hit somebody and you wouldn’t allow somebody to hit you. You wouldn’t tape somebody yelling at you on the phone.
Joy: I would do that. If I were in her position. I would have done the exact [same] thing…
Whoopi: Why not take it to the police and say this is what’s happening? Why is at the tab[loids]… This is the thing that bothers me. If there’s a beef, take it to the cops, to the people that can take care of it. To release it…
If somebody is kicking your behind and punching you in your face while you’re holding their kid you don’t go to the cops first, you go to Radar Online.
Joy: But she did get a restraining order. It’s not like she didn’t cover herself.
[Transcribed from The View, aired 7-13-10]
Whoopi is putting a spin on the “blame the victim” mentality that is sadly way too common. It’s not Oksana’s fault that Mel talked to her like that. It’s not anyone’s fault ever if someone talks to them like that. There’s no excuse for that, period. To the women who are defending Mel and still blaming Oksana: If you are experiencing anything like this, please talk to someone outside of your situation that can help you. You need to get help right away. It is not your fault and you cannot prevent it and you cannot change him.
You know, the more I listen to Mel go off the more I realize why Oksana released the tapes. She may want some money, but more than that she wants us to witness the crazy and to realize what she put up with. I hope she’s safe and I’m glad that this came to light. No one should ever be treated this way. Doesn’t this make you wonder what Robyn silently put up with?
Thanks to Gawker for the video and heads up.