Kaitlyn Siragusa, more commonly known as Amouranth, is one of the ring girls on duty at the Jake Paul vs. Nate Diaz boxing card proceeding in Dallas, Texas tonight. The OnlyF*ns star rose to fame on the streaming platform Twitch, where she has also faced multiple bans.
With over 6.4 million followers, Siragusa was the second most popular female Twitch streamer until recently losing her spot to Mexican streamer Ari Gameplays. Amouranth has often violated the Amazon-owned streaming platform's community guidelines with her hot tub streams in the past.
The 29-year-old influencer recently faced her seventh ban on Twitch, although the reason behind the ban remains unknown. Many noted that the ban came in the aftermath of Siragusa signing a deal with up-and-coming rival platform Kick, given that Twitch partners are expected not to stream on other platforms.
However, some also believe that the ban had nothing to do with her Kick deal and resulted from another wardrobe malfunction. Regardless of the reason behind it, the ban was lifted within a day, during which Siragusa streamed on Kick.
Kaitlyn Siragusa revealed that she was married, for the first time last October on a live Twitch stream. Amouranth further shocked fans by opening up about her abusive relationship with her husband who was allegedly controlling her.
Siragusa revealed texts, where her unnamed husband can be seen threatening to spend her money and kill her dogs. The OnlyF*ns star also revealed that her husband forced her to do the hot tub streams while suggesting that she keep her marriage hidden from her followers. She said:
“I’m basically living in a fancy prison... [It] keeps you there with the fear and the threats, and you fear that he’s going to do something to your animals. And then he’s nice again and says, ‘Everything’s going to be OK.’”Amouranth also called a man who she claimed was her husband while on the live stream. The man could be heard denying that he threatened to kill her dogs before saying:
“I’m going to give you one last chance. I’m going to irrevocably f*cking destroy everything.”Siragusa's content lead Marz subsequently provided an update claiming she is fine and trying to sort things out with her husband after multiple visits from the police.
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