West Coast Eagles new coach Adam Simpson prepares to move his family

NEW West Coast coach Adam Simpson says he still hasn't had a moment to sit down with his wife and make a plan to move his young family from Melbourne to his new home of Perth.

This photo was taken yesterday afternoon at his Eaglemont home in Melbourne just 20 minutes after Simpson landed. It followed a whirlwind week that saw the Hawthorn assistant announced as the new Eagles coach. "We've obviously got a lot to consider as a family, but (the Eagles) made it all about my family," he said. "The kids haven't been over yet, but they said, 'This is what we need to do with cars and houses, we'll set you up as best we can, give you a support network'. "They asked if we knew anyone over here all those things you don't think of when you get the job, but they've clicked into gear for me. I'm sure they've done it before with other people, because it seems they know what they're doing." Simpson said his wife, Nicky, had urged him to go for the job. "Nicky and I really now have to sit down and come up with a plan," he said. "Kids' school, what do we do with house, cars, all the things people deal with when they move interstate, but we're just confronting it in probably a quicker manner than most." The key consideration, especially with Simpson to spend some time in Melbourne during draft week, is when to move the children west. Nicky said one option was to wait until the school year was completed.
