Towanda Braxton shared a photo featuring herself and her BF. Since she is together with him, she could not be happier, and her fans are also excited for her. Check out the photo that she shared below.
‘Date night with my King. I just want to kiss his handsome face all the dam time. I love me some him. @kingladybug, He so fine oohhhwheeee Jesus, thank you! 😜’ Towanda captioned her post.
Someone said: ‘Well look at his Virgo Queen, though. #Perfection,’ and another follower posted this message: ‘That purple though!!!!❤️ Beautiful Couple.’
A commenter posted this: ‘I’m happy you have found love again!!! But he’s not that fine lol,’ and one other follower said: ‘Happy for you but don’t peddle stool him you might look foolish later just be happy.’
One follower said: ‘That’s how it feels about my king 👑. Kiss 💋 all over his face Towanda! He’s your sista! 💙’
A commenter posted this message: ‘Well you have a blast. I’ll just sit here single and praying! 😂’ and someone else said: ‘So happy for you too!❤️ May your love grow stronger each day!✨.’
Someone said: ‘He is fine tho’ 😉 Love to witness happiness! God bless you guys,’ and another commenter posted this: ‘❤God bless sis 🔥 I am feeling the same feeling with my sweet baby.🙏🏾’
Another fan said: ‘Yaassssss auntie show TF out..embrace and love your black King…Black love is real @itowandabraxton you deserve happiness would think I know you, but I don’t.I just love my black people, AND Black love is my SHIT ☺☺☺ continue being YOU and loving your KING!’
A commenter said: ‘Make sure he is worthy of you and treats you with respect as well. He’s not your husband yet so vet before establishing.’
In other news, Towanda Braxton shared a photo from her date night with her honey, and fans are sending her love and kind thoughts.
She seems very happy lately, and her followers are pleased to see her like this.