The Best Sex Positions For When You Can't Find A Bed

How to do it: For this sex position, you want to drape yourself over the back or the side of the sofa, whichever is most comfortable for you. Then your partner is to penetrate you from the back, like they would during doggy style, but you have this nice cozy sofa to drape yourself over.

Why it's a good choice when you can't find a bed: Honestly, something tells me that if you can't find a bed, then you probably won't be able to find a sofa either. However, this isn't a guarantee. So, if there's no bed, but there's a couch, this is the position for you.

Even if you have a bed, I suggest you try these positions anyway. It never hurts to get out of the horizontal position and try new things. It also makes for good practice in case one of these days you're rearing to go and you can't find a bed.
