Kenya Moore Gets Mommy-Shamed Over A Car Seat After She Posted New Photos Of Brooklyn Daly

Baby Brooklyn Daly is pure cuteness overload in her latest photos that were posted by her mother, Kenya Moore.

The Real Housewives of Atlanta alum and the wife of businessman Marc Daly is thrilled to show off her miracle baby girl as she plays, tries to have little conversations and celebrates essential milestones.

This week, Kenya shared a photo where Brooklyn is laughing, and she sparked an intense debate on how parents fix a car seat.

One fan said: “She is not in the car; she is in a stroller. Maybe be a little slower to offer your input next time. Moms, especially new Moms and new celebrity Moms are bombarded with unsolicited advice. Enjoy the view into their lives and be mindful of NOT offering unrequested supervision and critique. This baby girl is an angel!!! She will be an angel in this life! Be blessed.”

A critic wrote: “It’s beyond advice. It’s something that could save her child’s life. Car seat safety is not well known. If they got into an accident, her child could die from being like that. Nobody’s criticizing anybody. I just want her kid safe. Brooklyn reminds me of Marc here! The resemblance is so strong Kenya.”

This follower explained: “Aww she’s so precious and beautiful with that beautiful smile she’s really growing moving out the way for a brother or sister. When I look at her, I see you grandmother Doris especially in this pic.”

Another supporter shared: “How is it possible that Baby Brooklyn is getting cuter and cuter? This child is absolutely gorgeous!!! She did come by it honest, look at her beautiful parents💕👶🏽👶🏽👶🏽So incredibly happy for you that you found love and happiness and have a beautiful and perfect baby girl. You are an amazing mother. With all the hurt and abandonment you have felt through the years, it’s obvious that you are going to pour every ounce of your love into your baby girl, so she never knows that ache you have felt for so long. I have been there, and it never goes away; however, it is filled by the joy and love for our child. Praying for continued healing and blessings in your life.”


Kenya is simply happy.
