Former MMA fighter War Machine, real name Jonathan Paul Koppenhaver, is one of the most controversial figures in the world of MMA. He officially changed his name to ‘The War Machine’ after a dispute with wrestling organization TNA. The 41-year-old has been involved in condemnable actions that cannot be justified under any circumstances.
From false suicide allegations, and attempts to murder to s***l assault, War Machine’s crimes far outweigh everything positive he achieved in his life. As a result, he has been sentenced to life in prison with a possibility of parole after 36 years.
Koppenhaver had the potential to make a life for himself as a mixed martial artist. At a mere 25 years of age, he was chosen to be a part of TUF Season Six. He even fought in the UFC, having faced Jared Rollins and Yoshiyuki Yoshida. However, the troubled man’s career never kicked off as he was released from the promotion soon after. Koppenhaver’s refusal to accept a fight and the false labeling of former UFC champion Evan Tanner’s death a suicide contributed towards his release from the promotion.
War Machine fought in regional promotions in the USA as well as in Bellator Fighting Championships in the years that followed and amassed a 19-5 record as a pro. He also pursued a career in the adult film industry, appearing in several pornographic films during this time. However, the 41-year-old had several run-ins with the law during this time.
He spent the entirety of years 2011 and 2012 serving prison sentences, mostly in solitary confinement. The charges proven against him were felony assault and misdemeanor charges of assault and battery. Koppenhaver was released in October 2012 and resumed his career in the welterweight division of Bellator Fighting Championships. However, the worst was yet to be.
War Machine was romantically involved with fellow adult film actress, Christine Mackinday. She describes the relationship with The controversial MMA fighter as a progressively violent affair. On August 8, 2014, War Machine attacked Mackinday and her boyfriend at the time, Corey Thomas, in Mackinday’s Las Vegas residence. According to the data available online, War Machine is said to have beaten up Thomas for ten minutes and shifted his focus on Mackinday after Thomas escaped.
The disgusting ordeal lasted for two hours before Mackinday could escape and take refuge in her neighbor’s home. Upon hospitalization, it was determined that she had been brutally beaten and r***d. The agonizing details of injuries are better kept under the veil.
The fugitive fighter was arrested after eluding the authorities for almost a week. He even attempted suicide during captivity and was kept under suicide watch. A total of 36 charges were filed against the former MMA fighter ranging from felony assault, attempt to murder, and s****l attack with a weapon. In March 2017, he was convicted of 29 of 36 felony counts and sentenced to life in prison. An aggregate sentence of life in prison with a possibility of parole was announced in June 2017.
War Machine made a pen-friend, Ashley Farrington, during his time in prison. The couple developed a romantic relationship and got engaged in July 2018. Following this, the 41-year-old asked forgiveness from Christine Mackinday. However, Mackinday told the judge that the former MMA fighter would kill her if he was set free and denied the request. The former MMA fighter married his fiance Ashley Farrington in a prison ceremony in August 2019.
Koppenhaver’s violent and troubled nature was veiled during the early stages of his career. There was no way for most people to know the real face of a prospect trying to create a niche for himself in the sport of MMA. However, War Machine’s TUF coach and former UFC welterweight champion Matt Serra had foreseen the mental issues that plagued the young man ten years before he was sentenced to life in prison.
You can watch Matt Serra’s interactions and opinions about the former MMA fighter in the video below:
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