The size of a boxing ring varies in size depending on the type of competition and the governing body involved in each case. Typical ring sizes range from 16 feet by 16 feet square to 24 feet by 24 feet square.
Boxing ring sizes are different even within the same type or level of boxing.
According to iSport, there are no fixed dimensions for rings at the professional level, although governing bodies at this level, including USA Boxing, have strict guidelines.
The dimensions of the Olympic boxing rings are based on the regulations of the International Amateur Boxing Association. The stipulated size for international competition in this context is 6 meters by 6 meters square.
Professional boxing bouts are capped at a maximum of twelve rounds for title fights. For the safety of lesser experienced fighters, boxing matches are often limited to four, six, eight, or ten rounds instead of the maximum twelve.
Boxing matches last a maximum duration of 47 minutes if all twelve rounds are used. Each round in a boxing match is three minutes with a minute of rest between rounds one through eleven.
Boxing rounds are three minutes for men and two minutes for women. One minute is given between each round for the boxers to rest before continuing on to the next round.
The boxing ring is commonly referred to as the "squared circle". The term "ringside seat" dates as far back as the 1860s.