Build Battle is a long-running Minecraft minigame that is a huge hit in the community. In this game mode, players must build a creation within a given time limit and with the materials provided. The best structure or build wins.
As one might expect, Build Battle isn't exactly played solo. While solo Build Battle can be good for practice when it comes to completion time, the stakes ratchet up when players are competing in head-to-head building.
It's for this reason that Build Battle continues to be popular years after its inception. This is also why it's a common staple of many Minecraft multiplayer servers.
If players are hunting for a server that offers Build Battle action, they can look to a few great examples.
Note: This list is subjective and solely reflects the opinions of the writer
It's no surprise that Hypixel is one of the top Build Battle servers in Minecraft. The server remains one of the most popular options for just about any game mode year in and year out.
Hypixel's Build Battle mode offers solo and team-based competition as well as a Pro Mode for an altered ruleset allowing for more challenges. A Guess the Build mode is also present within the Build Battle server. It lets participants group up and allows one player to build while others attempt to guess what they're creating for points.
Put plainly, Hypixel is one of the top Minecraft servers for various reasons, including participating in Build Battle gameplay.
Mineland is a particularly interesting network in the Minecraft community. Instead of being a solo server hosted and operated by staff, it is a hub of servers that hosts a ton of player-created worlds, each with its own designs.
Thousands of different and unique spins on classic minigames can be found within Mineland's confines. This makes it one of the top locations for not just Build Battle but also innovative spins on Build Battle and a ton of minigame action in general.
It can be a bit overwhelming for newer players, but Mineland is a spectacular place to find just about any game mode a player could want once they know the ropes.
Mineplex has long been one of the most beloved Bedrock Edition servers in Minecraft's history, leading to it securing an official partnership with Microsoft and Mojang Studios. Even better, the server has introduced Java Edition infrastructure that allows crossplay between the two primary editions of the game.
Mineplex possesses two separate Build Battle game modes: Master Builder and Speed Builders.
Master Builder features the conventional Build Battle gameplay that players have come to know and love. Meanwhile, Speed Builders forces players to view a Minecraft structure and attempt to rebuild it as accurately as possible within the time limit, presenting a fun new twist on traditional Build Battling.
Unfortunately, many popular Minecraft servers operate on a microtransaction-heavy model these days. While Advancius still offers these transactions, it does offer free ranks and plenty of in-game perks in both Build Battle and beyond.
A player's in-game progression is carried throughout the various game modes provided. This gives fans the opportunity to watch their character grow and earn rewards no matter what game mode they're enjoying.
As far as Build Battle is concerned, Advancius provides all the necessary content to make the game mode entertaining. All the while, frequent updates ensure that there is always something to do.
Though BlocksMC doesn't have crazy twists on Build Battle, it still offers steady and traditional gameplay in the game mode. Sometimes, a Minecraft player simply needs to stick to the main tenets of Build Battle without any added bells or whistles to complicate things.
Some fans may not consider BlocksMC's Build Battle mode as exciting as some alternatives. However, players who enjoy a more vanilla experience should be quite happy with what this server offers from top to bottom.
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